What do checkboxlist and radiobuttonlist have in common

I want to use that value 'ID' in webform2 after the user clicks on hyp2. I dont think using Querystring will be useful because hyp1 is selected be default. It is not a compulsion for the user, that he has to click on hyp Using Win Form controls in web forms Hi All, Please tell me if i can't use the window forms controls in my webform. What if i simply import the System. I am totally confused.. Thanks Simple answer: You can't.

Webforms controls render as HTML; while this may be possible to achieve with Winforms controls by invoking the design-time rendering, I doubt it's going to work very well. What control are you trying to use? NETFounder, Easy How can i use javascript to change the src property of the image control when i select item in the RadioButtonList? There is a datatable, it contains 2 colums: "FaceName" "FaceUrl", they are some urls of some gif pictures.

Such as following, "FaceName" "FaceUrl", 1. Then, I use the datatable bind a RadioButton How to access the properties and methods of the ActiveX control on the client side in Web Form using javascript or vbscript Hi All, I have looked almost every where for this, and I'll be really appreciated if someone can help me with this.

Following is what I have. Some how the following line in the btnclick does not seems to be working. StartTimer I have done this with just. HTML and it works just fine.

Can any one help. Thanks in advance. I am working with an aspx page that consists of many different web controls. One of the web controls contains search criteria. I have tried, but nothing seems to be registered. Relax and have some Home Brew!

Without seeing your code we can' I tried creating a simple. I have made the assembly comvisible and generated tlb files and. I could see the component in "ActiveX" tool palette.

I am not able to see. Controlling web control instances on Web Form I have created a composite control, extending functionality of the Hidden Control. However, I would like to prevent the user from adding this control to the page multiple times. I only want one instance of the control on the Web Form.

This behavior is most likely what you'd expect, given the usage of these two types of input controls. Imagine that you'd like to allow users to select a single region from a list of regions.

You might like to allow a single selection using a list of radio buttons or multiple selections using check boxes. The sample page, ListControls. Each of the two buttons on ListControls. This procedure fills the list with data retrieved from the Regions table in the Northwind sample database. The RegionLoad procedure accepts, as its parameter, a variable of the ListControl type.

The RegionLoad procedure shown in Listing The code sets the DataTextField and DataValueField properties of the list control, sets the data source to the DataSet, and then calls the DataBind method to hook up the data and display the control.

By default, the event does not cause the page to be posted to the server. As with individual RadioButton controls, it is more common to test the state of the RadioButtonList control after the page has been posted some other way.

When the RadioButton control renders to the browser, it does so in two parts: an input element that represents the radio button, and a separate label element that represents the caption for the radio button. The combination of the two elements is wrapped in a span element. When you apply style or attribute settings to a RadioButton control, they are applied to the outer span element.

For example, if you set the control's BackColor property, the setting is applied to the span element. Therefore, it affects both the inner input and label elements. At times, you might want to make separate settings for the radio button and the label. The RadioButton control supports two properties that you can set at run time. The attributes that you set are passed through as-is to the browser. The following example shows how to set attributes for the input element so that just the radio button, but not the label, changes color when users pass the mouse pointer over it.

You can bind an individual RadioButton control to a data source, and you can bind any property of the RadioButton control to any field of the data source. For example, you might set the control's Text property based on information in a database. Because radio buttons are used in groups, binding a single radio button to a data source is not a common scenario. Instead, it is more typical to bind a RadioButtonList control to a data source.

In that case, the data source dynamically generates radio buttons list items for each record in the data source. The main class for the RadioButton control. The main class for the RadioButtonList control. The class that represents each item in RadioButtonList control. The collection of items that correspond to individual items in the list for a RadioButtonList control.


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