If not treated properly, TB can be fatal. A latent TB infection means a person is infected with the bacterium, but the disease does not develop and no symptoms are experienced. Latent infection occurs when the immune system of the infected person is able to keep the bacteria under control.
The TB bacteria can remain dormant for years without causing the disease or symptoms. People with compromised immune systems such as persons living with HIV, malnutrition, or diabetes; or people who use tobacco have a much higher risk of becoming ill.
However, in some cases, the TB disease may develop later. If the immune system weakens due to another disease or medications, the TB bacteria that were dormant may become activated.
Activation causes the TB disease and associated symptoms. People with active TB can transmit the bacteria through the air by coughing and sneezing. The bacteria spread through droplets in the saliva or sputum. When a person with active TB coughs, sneezes, talks, or spits, tiny droplets containing the bacteria are released into the air and can be inhaled by people who are close by. The bacteria can spread from the initial location in the lungs to other parts of the body through the bloodstream. The father gave me a glass of water, but my sister stopped me from drinking it.
This confused me and really upset the man. We said nothing about it, but when we left my sister told me that people suspected he had TB, and touching the glass might have given me TB.
There are also myths about how TB can be cured. In the Chief Minister of Uttarakhand in India, said that living in close proximity to a cow could cure a person of TB , which of course it can't. This is done by firstly finding the adults who have TB.
Particularly in countries with a high burden of TB , awareness of TB must be raised so that people with symptoms of TB know they should get help. People with TB disease must then be provided with effective TB treatment which means that they will no longer be infectious and can no longer spread TB to other people. They will also usually then recover from being sick although the treatment for TB takes a long time. This content does not have an English version.
This content does not have an Arabic version. Overview Tuberculosis TB is a potentially serious infectious disease that mainly affects the lungs. Request an Appointment at Mayo Clinic. Share on: Facebook Twitter. Show references Basic TB facts. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed Dec. Jameson JL, et al. In: Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine. McGraw-Hill; Mayo Clinic; Tintinalli JE, et al. McGraw Hill; Related Associated Procedures Chest X-rays. CDT Expert Alert: Precision medicine, digital technology hold potential as powerful tools against tuberculosis March 22, , p.
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