Though the men all die, the mariner lives on in agony. The bird was of no danger to the Mariner or the men on the ship, and in fact, was a spiritual guide to safeguard the crew on their excursion. Why this switch? The crew is at first upset with the Mariner for killing the Albatross. Although later the crew changes their mind and justifies the birds death because it brought ice and mist, which makes the crew guilty too.
Why is the absolute calm of the sea worse than a storm? Ben Davis May 2, What does the Mariner tell of his curse? What crime does the Mariner commit? Why did the Mariner consider his act hellish? Why did the Mariner shoot the albatross? How was the Ancient Mariner punished for his crime? What happens to the Ancient Mariner? What has life in death won in the game of dice? How does the Mariner select his audience?
What are the consequences of the Mariner being won by life-in-death? When life-in-death wins the dice game what does this mean for the Ancient Mariner? Who is life in death? Why does the Mariner bless the water snakes? How does the crew punish the Mariner? Can an albatross sleep while flying? Previous Article Why should it matter to the Mariner that his prisoner was headed to a wedding? It could have been out of anger. The living albatross is a symbol of God's creation and of innocence.
The dead albatross is a symbol of sin. When the Mariner kills the albatross , the other sailors see this as a sign of bad luck and fear, rightfully, that their dangerous voyage will be cursed and run into trouble. Coleridge uses personification throughout the poem to explore the relationship and struggle of power between humankind and nature.
The purpose of this is to express the frailty of man's ego and the fact that humans cannot control all aspects of life, as much as it might be their natural inclination to do so. Scientists believe they have finally worked out how the mighty albatross — a seabird capable of travelling 10, miles in a single journey and circumnavigating the globe in 46 days — manages to fly without expending almost any energy. It is considered very unlucky to kill an albatross ; in Coleridge's poem, the narrator killed the bird and his fellow sailors eventually force him to wear the dead bird around his neck.
Albatross are fish-eaters and so are unlikely to pick at the bait or the poisoned mice. But scavenger species like the lesser sheathbill, which will be overwintering on the island during the drop, just might. Thirst and heat torments them. The sailors meet death but the Ancient Mariner is gift of Life-in-Death.
He is given the punishment because of his ghastly act and bears the curse. A common myth once held that albatrosses could fly for years at a time, eating and drinking and mating on the wing, landing only to lay their eggs. On their wandering flights, frigatebirds can stay aloft for up to two months without touching down on land or water.
The albatross eats cephalopods, fish, crustaceans and offal. Sometimes, they may also eat carrion and or other kinds of zooplankton. However, the importance of each food is different according to each species. Some may like to eat only squids, or others might eat more krill or fish. The wandering albatross has the longest wingspan of any living bird, typically ranging from 2. Life at sea is hard, but never so hard as for the murderer of a creature blessed in Christian allegory.